men's health month

June is celebrated as Men’s Health Month in the UK, shining a spotlight on the specific health concerns faced by men. As an employer, it’s important to understand and prioritise the health and safety of all members of staff. However, the well-being of male employees should also be considered separately. Just like with women’s health and challenges around menopause and pregnancy in the workplace, Men face their own health issues such as prostate cancer.

All issues which concern the health and safety of your employees should be prioritised. However, as it’s Men’s Health Month, in this blog we’ll explore the common health issues that affect men in the workplace.


Men’s Health Month


Men’s Health Month provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the unique health challenges faced by men. Common health issues affecting men include prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental health conditions, and workplace-related injuries. These challenges can often be exacerbated by lifestyle factors, including work and home life. In addition to the common tendency for men to be reluctant to seek medical advice, there are societal expectations surrounding masculinity that can further contribute to these challenges.

As well as the common feeling of reluctance to seek medical advice, and societal expectations surrounding masculinity.


Prostate cancer


Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer among men, and 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime, this fact highlights the importance of regular screening for prostate cancer. PSA Testing measures a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. This test is one of the many ways, along with a rectal exam, that doctors can do to detect prostate cancer.

PSA testing helps to identify prostate cancer early on and can significantly improve the chances of recovery. There is an argument that early detection means less invasive cancer treatment. Early detection of prostate cancer can lead to less invasive treatment options, such as hormone medication and surveillance.

PSA Testing from Acorn: Our blood screening service takes only 15 minutes per person, allowing us to complete a large number of tests in a day, with the capacity to conduct 28 tests per day.

Discover more on our PSA Testing service


Cardiovascular disease


Cardiovascular disease or CVD is the general phrase used to describe conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels. It can cause heart attacks and strokes. Associated with the buildup of fat around the organs, CVD is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the UK.

With this disease affecting a significant number of men, it only emphasises the need for preventive measures. such as promoting healthy lifestyles and regular medical check-ups.

Well-person medicals from Acorn: conducted by our clinical team members, this comprehensive assessment looks at the overall wellness of employees as individuals. Included in the assessment are cholesterol testing, and a full health review. Designed to detect potential health issues early on, our well person medicals can help prevent and manage long-term sickness absence.

Discover more on our Well Person Medicals


Mental Health


Mental health is a huge concern for all employees and must be a priority for employers. However, mental health conditions like depression and anxiety can disproportionately impact men and, unfortunately, often result in a reluctance to seek help due to societal stigmas… In fact, 3 times as many men die from suicide when compared with women, which reinforces the need for employers to support male employees with their mental health.

If you’re an employer it’s important to spot the signs that a member of your team is struggling with their mental health. If you do spot signs, then Acorn offers a wide range of supportive services, including:


  • Counselling
  • Occupational therapy
  • Sickness absence
  • Mental Health awareness training
  • Stress management
  • Employee assistance programmes


Why are occupational health services a valuable resource?


Occupational health services play a vital role in safeguarding the health and safety of employees, including men in the workforce. These services focus on preventing work-related injuries and illnesses, as well as promoting overall well-being.

Our services include health assessments, risk assessments, and workplace health promotion programmes. Each of these services can be tailored to your business’s specific needs. We help identify and mitigate workplace hazards and provide guidance for employers going forward, ensuring your employees’ safety.


Our top 10 takeaways for employers on supporting men’s health in the workplace:


Promote awareness and education.

Relevant campaigns and educational seminars or training can help to raise awareness of male-specific health issues. When delivered in a group setting, these subjects can also be more accepted and onboarded.


Encourage regular check-ups.

Advocate for routine health screenings to detect potential health risks. Once they are implemented, regular checkups will become commonplace.


Create a supportive environment.

Create a culture that has open communication about health concerns and reduces the stigma surrounding seeking help. Our services include confidential counselling services and resources for mental health support.


Promote healthy lifestyles.

Encourage regular exercise with subsidised gym memberships, create competitions, provide nutritious food options, and organise wellness events which motivate employees to adopt healthier habits.


Address workplace hazards.

Regular risk assessments identify potential hazards. Once identified, it’s important to take necessary measures to minimise the risk of workplace injuries. This can include ensuring employees have the necessary PPE, and complete the correct training.


Implement ergonomic practices.

Evaluation workstations to ensure they are ergonomically designed reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. As an employer, you can offer adjustable furniture, as well as educate employees on proper posture and encourage regular breaks to prevent repetitive strain injuries.


Encourage a healthy work-life balance.

Discuss flexible work arrangements, when feasible, to help employees manage their personal and professional responsibilities. A healthy work-life balance can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.



Provide comprehensive training programs that educate employees about workplace health and safety practices. These can cover topics such as proper lifting techniques, hazard identification, plus, emergency procedures, and the importance of reporting any health concerns or incidents promptly.


Employee benefits.

Providing benefits which provide actual benefits. So rather than fast food on a Friday, access to comprehensive health insurance plans that cover preventive screenings, medical consultations, and mental health services can benefit the health of your employees. Additionally, consider offering flexible working, gym memberships, and free fruit and veg.


Regularly review policies.

Often this is discounted or forgotten, but checking in on what is working is vital to supporting the health and well-being of your employees. This ensures that your policies align with regulations and standards, and meet the needs of your team. This step also includes asking for feedback from employees, and they can provide valuable feedback on how you can make further improvements.


Contact Us


Need more information on how you can support men’s health in your workplace? Get in touch with our team of experts. Whether it’s for guidance and support, or to inquire about our OH services, our team can assist you. Call us on 01260 277797 or email us at

Want to know more about the Occupational Health services we provide at Acorn, and how they could benefit your business and your employees? Please get in touch.