Site Health Needs Assessment
Many businesses across the UK understand that they have to provide a certain level of health surveillance. As employers have a duty of care (so far as reasonably practicable) to reduce the risk to the health and safety of their employees. As well as any other individuals who may be affected by the work activities.
A Site Health Needs Assessment is a way of identifying potential risks within a workplaces. Meaning that companies are then fully aware of what is required of them, in relation to occupational health.
At the beginning of an Occupational Health contract with Acorn, we would suggest that a Site Health Needs Assessment is carried out by one of our occupational health nurses.
A suitable health surveillance programme aims to prevent ill health rather than cure it. Occupational health focuses on the protection and promotion of the health of workers by preventing and controlling occupational diseases and accidents. The aim is to eliminate occupational factors and conditions hazardous to health and safety at work. There is a focus to develop and promote healthy and safe work, working environments and organisations. This will enable workers to conduct socially and economically productive lives. (WHO, 1994)