Occupational Vaccinations

Employees who work in certain industries should be vaccinated against diseases that they could potentially be exposed to whilst working.

Whilst many employees are exposed to potential risks and hazards at work, some industries can mean employees are exposed to higher levels of risk or are exposed to these risks more frequently.

Occupational vaccinations should be organised, and paid for by your employer. These vaccinations can provide protection against some of these risks and hazards. They may be more relevant for certain sectors, e.g. healthcare, laboratory workers, and carers.


The Law for Employers


Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 you as an employer have a legal duty to protect the health of your employees. Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) employers have a legal duty to assess the risk of infection for employees and others affected by their work. When the risk is known, you need to take suitable precautions to protect the health of the employee.


How can Acorn Occupational Health help you?


As a leading provider of Occupational Health services across the UK, Acorn Occupational Health will assist clients with immunisation programs, policies, and advice. Our experienced Occupational Health Advisors aim to deliver a cost-effective service designed to meet the needs of your business.

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    Occupations where workers are at a higher risk of blood-borne diseases include:

    • Healthcare: nurses, physicians, hospital workers, care homes, nurseries, dentistry, pathology workers, chiropody
    • First aid
    • Emergency services
    • Needle exchange services
    • Embalming/crematorium/mortuary work
    • Laboratory technicians
    • Council workers: park workers, street cleaners, refuse disposal
    • Prison and detention services
    • Tattooing and body piercing
    • Social services
    • Plumbing and sewage process workers
    • Vehicle repair and recovery
    • Military
    • Education
    • Hairdressers and beauticians


    Risk Assessment


    The need for immunisation should be determined by risk assessment as required under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002. As an employer you need to assess the risk of the employee coming into contact with biological agents that may cause ill health, the severity of the illness should infection occur and the control measures already in place.


     What are the benefits to you?


    • On-site immunisation programme
    • Minimal loss of working time
    • Compliance under current legislation
    • Reduced risk and cost
    • Improve profitability
    • Healthier workforce


    Influenza is a highly contagious virus that spreads quickly and is capable of causing great disruption in the workplace through sickness absence and impaired employee performance. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends the strains of influenza be included in vaccination each year.

    The optimum time for influenza vaccination is late September to early December.


    The Flu vaccine helps to protect people from getting seriously ill from the flu. The best time to have a flu vaccine is in autumn or early winter. Therefore we begin our vaccination programme in mid-September.

    One of our nurses will complete flu vaccinations on the business’s site. However, employees can visit our Congleton offices for the flu vaccine if required.

    We can complete 40 flu vaccinations in a full day, and 20 vaccinations in half a day. However, if you require a specific number of vaccinations, please get in touch so we can calculate how long the vaccination session needs.

    Please note: we have a limited number of flu vaccinations available for 22/23, please get in touch to reserve your business’s vaccinations.

    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B immunisation is not a recognised vaccination programme for the general public. Therefore, General Practitioners are recommending employers and employees considered at risk must contact their company occupational health provider for Hepatitis B advice and immunisation.

    Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through exposure to infected blood and body fluids. The incidence of acute infection is high amongst those with certain lifestyles or occupational risk factors.

    Employees who are at a higher risk of contracting Hepatitis B are:

    • Emergency services
    • Laboratory workers
    • Healthcare workers
    • Carers e.g. caring for people with learning difficulties
    • Prison staff
    • Laboratory workers
    • Embalming/crematorium/mortuary work
    • Travellers

    Immunisation for Hepatitis B consists of a course of 3 vaccines. Two vaccines with an interval of one month followed by a third injection 6 months after the first administration (0, 1, 6 months) is the usual schedule. However an accelerated regime consisting of 3 injections with an interval of one month and a fourth dose 1 year later can be used when rapid immunity is required. It is important to complete the full course of vaccination to gain immunity.

    A blood test to check immunity status (titre level) is checked 6 weeks following the third vaccine. If immunity status is inadequate a booster vaccine may be advised.

    A single booster is recommended in 5 years if exposure continues.

    Hepatitis A

    Hepatitis A virus causes an infection of the liver. The virus is usually transmitted through person-to-person contact, or from contaminated food, drink, or water.

    Employees who are at a higher risk of contracting Hepatitis A are:

    • Sewage/Effluent workers
    • Refuge workers
    • Overseas travellers

    Immunisation for Hepatitis A consists of a single dose for primary vaccination.

    A booster dose at 6-12 months following the primary vaccination previously given as a single dose or combined vaccine product, gives a substantial increase in the antibody titre and will give immunity beyond 20 years.



    Transmission of Typhoid Fever is primarily oral following ingestion of contaminated food or water.

    Employees who are at a higher risk of contracting Typhoid are:

    • Sewage/Effluent workers
    • Overseas travellers

    Immunisation for typhoid consists of a single dose to be administered at least 2 weeks prior to exposure.

    A booster dose is required every 3 years for continued exposure.

    Pneumococcal (PPV23) vaccination

    A single dose of the PPV23 vaccine should be considered for those at risk of frequent or continuous occupational exposure to metal fumes.

    Vaccination can reduce the risk of invasive pneumococcal disease, but it should not replace the need for control measures to prevent or reduce exposure.

    Contact us

    For more information on Occupational Vaccinations, contact our team via email at website@acornoh.co.uk or call us on 01260 277797