Flu jab

The flu vaccine is recommended for multiple groups of people every year. Now is the time of year when people start thinking about booking their flu jab. As autumn/ early winter is the best time to have the flu vaccine before it begins to spread. 


How does the flu vaccine work?


The flu vaccine is the best protection against the flu. Whilst you still may get the flu, having the vaccine will mean your symptoms are likely to be milder and may not last as long. Another benefit of the vaccine is the reduced risk of spreading the flu to others. This includes those who may be more vulnerable to the flu and may have a much worse chance of becoming seriously ill once they have the virus. 


How long does it take for the flu vaccine to work 


It takes between 10-14 days for the flu vaccine to become effective. This is why it is recommended that the vaccine is given in autumn before the different types of flu virus begin to appear. 


Who administers the flu vaccine?


One of our registered nurses will complete the flu vaccination. This can be given on your business’s site, or we can offer the vaccinations on our site in Congleton


How many flu vaccinations can be given?


In a full day, our nurses can give approximately 40 flu vaccinations. In half a day, this is 20 vaccinations. However, if your business requires a certain number of flu vaccinations, whether this is a small or large number, please get in touch


Who can have the flu vaccine?


The flu jab is recommended for certain groups who are considered more vulnerable. However, most adults can have the flu vaccine if they have NOT had an allergic reaction to a flu vaccine in the past. If you require more information on whether you are potentially allergic to the flu vaccine, please contact your GP or consult a pharmacist. 


Groups who are considered vulnerable and therefore recommended to have the flu vaccine: 


  • Pregnant women 
  • Those who are in long-term residential care 
  • People who are 50+
  • Those who have certain health conditions 
  • Frontline health and social care workers 
  • People who receive a carer’s allowance 
  • Those who live with someone is more likely to get infections 


Are there side effects of the flu vaccine?


The flu vaccine is very safe, and for most people, the side effects are mild and will last for only a few days. These can include: 


  • Muscle ache (specifically in the area where the flu vaccine was administered, usually in the upper arm)
  • A slightly raised temperature


Contact Us 


If you’d like more information on arranging a flu vaccination programme for your business please visit our ‘occupational vaccination’ page. Or get in touch, call us on 01260 277797 or email us at website@acornoh.co.uk 

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