reduce risks for workers with a site needs assessment

Employers across the UK are required by law to protect employees from risks to their health and safety. But before the risk of injury or illness can be prevented or reduced, the risks or hazards must first be identified and assessed. This includes assessing the potential risk, their consequences, and the likelihood of these risks causing harm to workers. 


Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 


Employers, as a minimum, must: 

  • Identify what could cause injury or illness within your businesses workplace or environment 
  • Assess the likelihood that a member of your team could be harmed or become ill, and how serious
  • Take the appropriate action to eliminate the risk, or if this isn’t possible, put measures in the place to control the risk and make workers aware of it 


A ‘Site Needs Assessment’ at Acorn  


At the beginning of a contract with Acorn, we advise carrying out a Site Needs Assessment. A nurse will visit your workplace, and observe the site and the potential risks with a health and safety manager from your team. The assessment formalises the health surveillance requirements and ensures legal compliance with laws. 

The assessment can also give insight into the need for occupational health services to ensure good levels of employee health whilst at work. 

Following an assessment, we can advise on your legal obligations and any exposures of your employees. Enabling us to develop and advise on a sustainable health surveillance programme, which is cost-effective for your business. 


Risks differing between industries 


Small low-risk businesses may not need to consider the wide range of potential risks workers can be exposed to as they are simply not relevant to the work environment. However, for some businesses and industries, risks are substantial and many risks must be considered. 

These risks can include fire, vibration, and manual handling. Working at heights, gas, and even radiation. Explore the HSE Guidance: Industries page to discover how to control risks at work for various industries. 


Occupational Health as prevention 


A suitable and appropriate health surveillance programme aims to prevent the potential for exposure to risk for employees. Occupational health focuses on the protection and promotion of the health of workers and controlling workplace diseases and accidents. Working to eliminate hazards and risks within the workplaces as much as possible. 

The way we work focuses on promoting health and safety at work and developing programmes to create healthy and safe work environments. 


Contact Us 


If you’d like more information about our Site Needs Assessments, or how to organise one, please get in touch with our team of experts. Visit our FAQs page, call us at 01260 277797, or email us at

Want to know more about the Occupational Health services we provide at Acorn, and how they could benefit your business and your employees? Please get in touch.