Vision Screening

There is no reliable evidence that working with display screen equipment (DSE) causes any permanent damage to eyes or eyesight. But, it may make users with pre-existing vision defects more aware of them. Uncorrected vision defects can make work at display screens more tiring and/or stressful.

Vision Screening plays an important role because it can provide a general overview of employees’ visual disorders, detecting those where corrective action should be taken.

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    Regulation 5 of the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 states, that where a “designated user” experiences visual difficulties which may reasonably be considered to be caused by work on display screen equipment, their employer shall ensure that they are provided at their request with an appropriate eye and eyesight test.


    Vision Screening takes approximately 10 minutes

    • An assessment of distance, middle and near vision as appropriate
    • Referral to an optician when appropriate
    • Counselling

    Who should be screened?

    • Display Screen Equipment users in accordance with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (as amended in 2002).
    • Van Drivers
    • Fork Lift Truck Drivers
    • Company Car Drivers
    • Close Inspection Workers
    • Occupations where ‘normal’ colour vision is desirable or essential

    Contact us

    To talk to a member of the Acorn Occupational Health team about our vision screening service, please call us on 01260 277797 or email us at